In this post, I’ll show how you can send SMS text messages from z/OS for failed jobs using Twilio and the z/OS SMF Real Time Interface.
Twilio provides a Java API to use their service, and that can be combined with the EasySMF Real Time Interface to send SMS messages based on real time SMF data.
Sending text messages from z/OS
Twilio is a paid service for production messaging, but you can sign up for a free trial account and send a limited number of messages to a verified phone number.
Twilio provides quickstart documentation here:
You can ignore the stuff about the CLI, all we are going to do is send an outbound message which requires a Twilio account, the Java program and dependencies i.e. the fat jar.
This is the Twilio quickstart Java program with a couple of minor tweaks:
import com.twilio.Twilio;
import com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber;
public class TwilioTest {
// Find your Account SID and Auth Token at
// and set the environment variables. See
public static final String ACCOUNT_SID = System.getenv("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID");
public static final String AUTH_TOKEN = System.getenv("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN");
public static void main(String[] args) {
Message message = Message.creator(
new com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber("+14159352345"), // to
new com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber("+14158141829"), // from
Upload the Twilio fat jar twilio-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar to z/OS. It is available from e.g.
Java 11 will run single file Java programs without a separate compilation step, so we can just run the program under BPXBATCH:
sh /usr/lpp/java/J11.0_64/bin/java
"Hello from z/OS"
Twilio can also send the messages to WhatsApp using the same functionality.
Sending notifications for failed jobs
Prerequisite: z/OS SMF Real Time Interface
The z/OS SMF Real Time Interface must be active. This requires:
- SMF running in logstream mode
- Define an in-memory resource to receive the required records (type 30 in this case)
- Setup RACF definitions to allow the user running Java program to access the SMF in memory resource
The program
The complete source code for this program can be found here:
The following is an overview of the major sections of the program.
Reading the in-memory resource
The first thing to do is set up the connection to the in-memory resource.
public class RtiNotifications
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
try (SmfConnection connection =
// Set up SmfrecordReader to read type 30 subtypes 4 and 5
SmfRecordReader reader =
// process data here
private static void handleMissedData(MissedDataEvent e)
System.out.println("Missed Data!");
This code:
- creates a real time connection to resource name IFASMF.MYRECS
- sets up an action to be taken if data is written faster than the program can read it and the real time buffer wraps (write a message and suppress the exception)
- sets up a command handler to disconnect from the resource when the STOP command is received
- creates a SmfRecordReader to read SMF 30 subtypes 4 and 5 (step and job end) records
The connection and reader will be closed automatically when the program exits the try block.
The connection can be simulated in a development environment by setting environment variables:
The SmfConnection will read SMF data from the file indicated by the environment variable matching the resource name.
Processing the SMF 30 Records
We want to send the SMS message when the job ends, which is indicated by a subtype 5 record. However, if steps are skipped due to e.g. COND processing or an ABEND, the information in the subtype 5 record might be from a step that didn’t run. These steps have the “flushed” indicator set in the Completion Section.
We need to keep the step end information for steps that did run and check the last executed step when we see the job end record. The Java HashMap provides a convenient way to store information for failed steps.
We can create a class to use as a HashMap key to identify specific jobs. The class has fields for the identifying information (system, jobname, job number, read date and time) which are populated in the constructor. Eclipse can generate the hashCode and equals methods which are required for a HashMap key.
Map<JobKey, Smf30Record> failedSteps = new HashMap<>();
private static class JobKey
String system;
String jobname;
String jobnumber;
long readtime;
int readdate;
JobKey(Smf30Record r30)
system = r30.system();
jobname = r30.identificationSection().smf30jbn();
jobnumber = r30.identificationSection().smf30jnm();
readtime = r30.identificationSection().smf30rstRawValue();
readdate = r30.identificationSection().smf30rsdRawValue();
// hashCode and equals generated using Eclipse
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(jobname, jobnumber, readdate, readtime, system);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
JobKey other = (JobKey) obj;
return Objects.equals(jobname, other.jobname)
&& Objects.equals(jobnumber, other.jobnumber)
&& readdate == other.readdate
&& readtime == other.readtime
&& Objects.equals(system, other.system);
SMF 30 Subtype 4: Step End
When processing step end records, if the step failed we save the record for later. If it ran successfully, we remove any previous failed step.
if (failed(r30))
// this replaces existing entry if present
failedSteps.put(new JobKey(r30), r30);
// else it didn't fail, check it wasn't flushed
else if (!r30.completionSection().smf30flh())
// If the step wasn't flushed, remove any earlier failed step
failedSteps.remove(new JobKey(r30));
failed is a method which checks whether the step failed:
private static boolean failed(Smf30Record r30)
// abended except for S222 (cancelled)
&& r30.completionSection().smf30scc() != 0x222)
// or condition code > 8
|| r30.completionSection().smf30scc() > 8
// or post execution error
|| r30.completionSection().smf30sye();
The criteria can be adjusted as required.
SMF 30 Subtype 5: Job End
When the job ends, we check whether we previously saved a failed step.
JobKey key = new JobKey(r30);
if (failedSteps.containsKey(key))
// send notification using information from failed step
failedSteps.remove(key); // finished with this
// or if the type 5 record indicates failure
else if(failed(r30))
// send notification using information from job
Sending the SMS message
The job information is extracted from the SMF record, the Twilio information is supplied in environment variables, and sending the SMS message uses the same process as the Twilio quickstart.
private static final String ACCOUNT_SID = System.getenv("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID");
private static final String AUTH_TOKEN = System.getenv("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN");
private static final String TO_PHONE = System.getenv("TO_PHONE");
private static final String FROM_PHONE = System.getenv("FROM_PHONE");
private static void sendNotification(Smf30Record r30)
String messagetext =
String.format("%s Job failed: %s %s Step: %d %s Program: %s CC: %s",
r30.identificationSection().smf30jbn(), // job name
r30.identificationSection().smf30jnm(), // job number
r30.identificationSection().smf30stn(), // step number
r30.identificationSection().smf30stm(), // step name
r30.identificationSection().smf30pgm(), // program
// Send a SMS notification through Twilio
Message message = Message.creator(
new com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber(TO_PHONE),
new com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber(FROM_PHONE),
System.out.println("Message Sent: " + message.getSid());
What Next?
Browse and build the EasySMF:RTI sample code:
The Github sample has some additional functionality not covered here. You can limit the notifications to jobs running in specific job classes. You can use the same functionality to include jobs by job name or create custom failure criteria for specific jobs.
For simplicity, the sample doesn’t include error handling. If sending the message fails, the program will disconnect from the SMF in memory resource and end with an exception. A production version should probably catch certain errors and retry.